From the End of the World (2023)
135 Minm | Japan | Drama, Science Fiction | 2023-03-22
Hana adalah siswa SMA biasa, tidak puas dengan kehidupan sehari-harinya. Suatu hari dia bermimpi dan bertemu dengan seorang gadis berusia 10 tahun yang tinggal di Era Sengoku. Gadis itu hidup susah dengan kemiskinan dan kemalangan di dunia itu dan keduanya akan memiliki persahabatan persaudaraan. Ketika Hana bangun, dia dibawa pergi oleh badan khusus pemerintah dan diawasi dengan ketat tentang mimpinya. Ada sesuatu yang disebut Catatan Akashic dan nasib semua manusia mengikuti catatan itu. Dan rekor masa depan seluruh umat manusia hilang dalam sebulan. Kunci penyelesaian masalahnya adalah gadis yang muncul dalam mimpi Hana.
Hana is a normal high school student, unsatisfied in her daily life. One day she had a dream and met a 10-year-old girl living in Sengoku Era. The girl lives hard with poverty and misfortune in that world and the two are going to have a sisterhood friendship. When Hana wakes up, she is taken away by the government special agency and subject to severe scrutiny about her dream. There is something called Akashic Record and the destinies of all humans follow that record. And the future record of all mankind is gone in a month. The key to solving the problem is the girl who appeared in Hana's dream.
Hana is a normal high school student, unsatisfied in her daily life. One day she had a dream and met a 10-year-old girl living in Sengoku Era. The girl lives hard with poverty and misfortune in that world and the two are going to have a sisterhood friendship. When Hana wakes up, she is taken away by the government special agency and subject to severe scrutiny about her dream. There is something called Akashic Record and the destinies of all humans follow that record. And the future record of all mankind is gone in a month. The key to solving the problem is the girl who appeared in Hana's dream.
Directors: Kazuaki Kiriya
Writer: Kazuaki Kiriya, Kazuaki Kiriya
Starring: Aoi Ito, Katsuya Maiguma, Aya Asahina
Writer: Kazuaki Kiriya, Kazuaki Kiriya
Starring: Aoi Ito, Katsuya Maiguma, Aya Asahina
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