Sultan, Bilqis, dan Aji tiba-tiba mewarisi warisan tak biasa dari ayah mereka: HUTANG YANG MENAKJUBKAN! Ketiga bersaudara ini harus bekerja sama untuk menghasilkan uang sebanyak mungkin, mengeksplorasi metode mulai dari tindakan yang tidak etis hingga memasuki wilayah asing yang belum pernah mereka ketahui sebelumnya. Tidak hanya itu! Sekembalinya ke kampung halaman, ibu mereka tidak tahu apa-apa tentang perjuangan mereka di luar negeri.
Sultan, Bilqis, and Aji suddenly inherit an unusual legacy from their father: A FREAKING DEBT! These three siblings must put their heads together to make as much money as possible, exploring methods that range from borderline unethical to diving into unfamiliar territory they've never known before. Not only that! Back in their hometown, their mother knows nothing about their struggles abroad.
Sultan, Bilqis, and Aji suddenly inherit an unusual legacy from their father: A FREAKING DEBT! These three siblings must put their heads together to make as much money as possible, exploring methods that range from borderline unethical to diving into unfamiliar territory they've never known before. Not only that! Back in their hometown, their mother knows nothing about their struggles abroad.
Directors: Rahabi Mandra
Writer: Rahabi Mandra, Syahrun Ramadhan
Starring: Vino G Bastian, Anya Geraldine, Alzi Markers
Writer: Rahabi Mandra, Syahrun Ramadhan
Starring: Vino G Bastian, Anya Geraldine, Alzi Markers
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