Tiga saudara lelaki yang tidak pernah rukun dipaksa untuk bersaing untuk warisan dalam bentuk rumah tamu yang dimiliki oleh Dahlan, ayah mereka. Adam, putra tertua yang menyalahkan sikap keras ayahnya atas kegagalan hidupnya. Lara, anak tengah yang mandiri dan idealis. Dan Dicky, anak bungsu favorit ayahnya yang dimanjakan sejak kecil dan tumbuh sebagai pemuda yang nakal. Siapa yang akan menjadi ahli waris pilihan?
Three brothers who never get along are forced to compete for the inheritance in the form of a guest house owned by Dahlan, their father. Adam, the eldest son who blames his father's harsh attitude for his life's failures. Laras, the middle child who is independent and idealistic. And Dicky, his father's favorite youngest child who was pampered since childhood and grew up as a naughty young man. Who will be the heirs of choice?
Three brothers who never get along are forced to compete for the inheritance in the form of a guest house owned by Dahlan, their father. Adam, the eldest son who blames his father's harsh attitude for his life's failures. Laras, the middle child who is independent and idealistic. And Dicky, his father's favorite youngest child who was pampered since childhood and grew up as a naughty young man. Who will be the heirs of choice?
Directors: Muhadkly Acho
Writer: Muhadkly Acho
Starring: Oka Antara, Indah Permatasari, Ge Pamungkas
Writer: Muhadkly Acho
Starring: Oka Antara, Indah Permatasari, Ge Pamungkas
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