April, yang suka menulis puisi, bertemu Senandika, seorang musisi yang telah berhasil mencuri perhatian dengan filosofi dan prinsip -prinsipnya. April, melihat potensi di Sena, memperkenalkannya kepada Sanya, produser muda sahabatnya. Konflik dimulai ketika April dan Sena saling jatuh cinta, tetapi diblokir oleh berkat ayah April, Halim.
April, who likes to write poetry, meets Senandika, a musician who has managed to steal attention with her philosophy and principles. April, seeing potential in Sena, introduces her to Sanya, her best friend's young producer. The conflict began when April and Sena fell in love with each other, but was blocked by the blessing of April's father, Halim.
April, who likes to write poetry, meets Senandika, a musician who has managed to steal attention with her philosophy and principles. April, seeing potential in Sena, introduces her to Sanya, her best friend's young producer. The conflict began when April and Sena fell in love with each other, but was blocked by the blessing of April's father, Halim.
Directors: Jeihan Angga
Writer: Benni Setiawan, Fiersa Besari
Starring: Reza Rahadian, Michelle Ziudith, Anya Geraldine
Writer: Benni Setiawan, Fiersa Besari
Starring: Reza Rahadian, Michelle Ziudith, Anya Geraldine
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