Girl (2023)
87 Minm | United Kingdom | Drama | 2023-11-17
Seorang ibu muda terpaksa menghadapi kenyataan kehidupan masa lalunya saat putrinya mendekati masa remaja dan berjuang untuk kebebasan baru.
A young mother is forced to face the truth of her past life as her daughter approaches adolescence and strives for new freedom.
A young mother is forced to face the truth of her past life as her daughter approaches adolescence and strives for new freedom.
Directors: Adura Onashile
Writer: Adura Onashile
Starring: Dborah Lukumuena, Danny Sapani, LeShantey Bonsu
Writer: Adura Onashile
Starring: Dborah Lukumuena, Danny Sapani, LeShantey Bonsu
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