Pada tahun 1990-an, perempuan tidak diperbolehkan menemani laki-laki ke baraat, dan ibu mempelai pria tidak diperbolehkan menghadiri pheras. Rani bermaksud mengakhiri ritual ini dan mulai membangun tim dengan perempuan lain, memperjuangkan hak-hak perempuan.
During 1990s, women were not allowed to accompany men to baraats, and the groom's mother was not allowed to attend pheras. Rani intends to put an end to this ritual and starts building a team with other women, fights for women's rights.
During 1990s, women were not allowed to accompany men to baraats, and the groom's mother was not allowed to attend pheras. Rani intends to put an end to this ritual and starts building a team with other women, fights for women's rights.
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