Golda (2023)
101 Minm | United States of America, United Kingdom | Drama, History, War | 2023-08-23
Ditetapkan selama 19 hari tegang Perang Yom Kippur pada tahun 1973, Perdana Menteri Israel Golda Meir dihadapkan dengan potensi penghancuran total Israel. Dia harus menavigasi rintangan yang luar biasa, kabinet skeptis dan hubungan yang kompleks dengan Sekretaris Negara AS Henry Kissinger, dengan jutaan nyawa dalam keseimbangan. Kepemimpinan dan kasih sayangnya yang keras pada akhirnya akan menentukan nasib bangsanya dan meninggalkannya dengan warisan kontroversial di seluruh dunia.
Set during the tense 19 days of the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir is faced with the potential of Israel’s complete destruction. She must navigate overwhelming odds, a skeptical cabinet and a complex relationship with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, with millions of lives in the balance. Her tough leadership and compassion would ultimately decide the fate of her nation and leave her with a controversial legacy around the world.
Set during the tense 19 days of the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir is faced with the potential of Israel’s complete destruction. She must navigate overwhelming odds, a skeptical cabinet and a complex relationship with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, with millions of lives in the balance. Her tough leadership and compassion would ultimately decide the fate of her nation and leave her with a controversial legacy around the world.
Directors: Guy Nattiv
Writer: Nicholas Martin
Starring: Helen Mirren, Camille Cottin, Liev Schreiber
Writer: Nicholas Martin
Starring: Helen Mirren, Camille Cottin, Liev Schreiber
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