Gringa (2023)
103 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Drama | 2023-04-21
Marge yang tidak populer dan turun, Marge sudah mengalami kesulitan menavigasi ladang ranjau yang merupakan sekolah menengahnya di pinggiran kota. Tapi kehidupan Marge benar -benar terbalik ketika ibunya tercinta dan satu -satunya juara meninggal dalam kecelakaan tragis. Dengan tidak ada tempat lain untuk berbelok kecuali kakek-neneknya yang sangat konservatif, Marge memutuskan untuk memburu ayahnya yang terasing, mantan bintang sepak bola yang tinggal di pedesaan Meksiko sebagai gelandangan pantai dan pelatih untuk tim wanita setempat. Tidak ada yang siap untuk perubahan besar seperti itu, tetapi tembakan terbaik yang mereka miliki untuk memperbaiki masa lalu mereka dan bergerak maju adalah bersama.
Unpopular and down-on-her-luck, Marge is already having a tough time navigating the minefield that is her suburban high school. But Marge’s life is completely upended when her beloved mother and only champion dies in a tragic accident. With nowhere else to turn except her ultra-conservative grandparents, Marge decides instead to hunt down her estranged father, a former soccer star living in rural Mexico as a beach bum and coach to the local women’s team. Neither is ready for such a big change, but the best shot they have at fixing their past and moving forward is together.
Unpopular and down-on-her-luck, Marge is already having a tough time navigating the minefield that is her suburban high school. But Marge’s life is completely upended when her beloved mother and only champion dies in a tragic accident. With nowhere else to turn except her ultra-conservative grandparents, Marge decides instead to hunt down her estranged father, a former soccer star living in rural Mexico as a beach bum and coach to the local women’s team. Neither is ready for such a big change, but the best shot they have at fixing their past and moving forward is together.
Directors: EJ Foerster, Marny Eng
Writer: Patrick Hasburgh
Starring: Steve Zahn, Jess Gabor, Roselyn Snchez
Writer: Patrick Hasburgh
Starring: Steve Zahn, Jess Gabor, Roselyn Snchez
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