Gwen Shamblin, seorang karismatik dengan citra yang dikuratori, diketahui dengan program diet Kristennya "menimbang lokakarya", dan dituduh eksploitasi dan pelecehan emosional, psikologis, dan fisik oleh praktik kultus yang diduga di gereja.
Gwen Shamblin, a charismatic with a curated image, became known with her Christian diet program "Weigh Down Workshop", and was accused of exploitation and emotional, psychological, and physical abuse by the church's alleged cult practices.
Gwen Shamblin, a charismatic with a curated image, became known with her Christian diet program "Weigh Down Workshop", and was accused of exploitation and emotional, psychological, and physical abuse by the church's alleged cult practices.
Directors: John LEcuyer
Writer: Gregory Small, Richard Blaney
Starring: Jennifer Grey, Brittany Drisdelle, Jorja Cadence
Writer: Gregory Small, Richard Blaney
Starring: Jennifer Grey, Brittany Drisdelle, Jorja Cadence
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