Handyman from Hell (2023)
87 Minm | United States of America | Drama, Thriller, TV Movie | 2023-10-19
Maggie baru saja berpisah dari suaminya dan akhirnya merombak gereja indah yang telah diubah yang telah dia beli. Ketika dia bertemu Nate, dia merasa seperti dia bertemu dengan pria yang akan memperbaiki dapurnya...dan mungkin bahkan hatinya.
Maggie has just separated from her husband and is finally overhauling the beautiful converted church that she had bought. When she meets Nate, she feels like she's met the man who is going to fix up her kitchen...and maybe even her heart.
Maggie has just separated from her husband and is finally overhauling the beautiful converted church that she had bought. When she meets Nate, she feels like she's met the man who is going to fix up her kitchen...and maybe even her heart.
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