Hardcore Never Dies (2023)
108 Minm | Netherlands | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 2023-11-09
Michael yang berusia 17 tahun bermimpi masa depan sebagai pianis, tetapi pendidikan musiknya tidak berjalan lancar. Dalam pencariannya untuk inspirasi, ia menerima bantuan dari sumber yang tidak terduga: saudaranya Danny memperkenalkannya ke adegan musik Rotterdam “Gabber” yang muncul. Michael tertarik pada dunia ketukan keras, persaudaraan, dan narkoba. Ketika bisnis narkoba Danny mencapai proporsi internasional, saudara -saudara harus berjuang untuk kehidupan mereka.
17-year-old Michael dreams of a future as a pianist, but his music education is not going smoothly. In his search for inspiration, he receives help from an unexpected source: his brother Danny introduces him to the emerging Rotterdam “gabber” music scene. Michael is drawn into a world of hard beats, brotherhood and drugs. When Danny's drug business reaches international proportions, the brothers must fight for their lives.
17-year-old Michael dreams of a future as a pianist, but his music education is not going smoothly. In his search for inspiration, he receives help from an unexpected source: his brother Danny introduces him to the emerging Rotterdam “gabber” music scene. Michael is drawn into a world of hard beats, brotherhood and drugs. When Danny's drug business reaches international proportions, the brothers must fight for their lives.
Directors: Jim Taihuttu
Writer: Amira Duynhouwer, Victor D Ponten, Jim Taihuttu
Starring: Joes Brauers, Jim Deddes, Rosa Stil
Writer: Amira Duynhouwer, Victor D Ponten, Jim Taihuttu
Starring: Joes Brauers, Jim Deddes, Rosa Stil
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