Seorang penulis perjalanan, seorang pengusaha teknologi, seorang ibu yang berbakti dan lebih banyak orang asing terdampar di bandara untuk liburan, mereka menyewa sebuah van untuk perjalanan darat yang tidak terduga.
A travel writer, a tech entrepreneur, a devoted mother and more strangers are stranded at the airport for the holidays, they rent a van for an unexpected road trip.
A travel writer, a tech entrepreneur, a devoted mother and more strangers are stranded at the airport for the holidays, they rent a van for an unexpected road trip.
Directors: Martin Wood
Writer: Grant Scharbo, Gina Matthews
Starring: Sara Canning, Warren Christie, EnidRaye Adams
Writer: Grant Scharbo, Gina Matthews
Starring: Sara Canning, Warren Christie, EnidRaye Adams
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