Holy Punch (2024)
98 Minm | South Korea | Action, Comedy | 2024-03-20
Gyeong-cheol dan Tae-yong, dua pemimpin Geng RAJA RIBS, merayakan ulang tahun Jang Boss, dan serangan In-seong. Gyeong-cheol dan Tae-yong, yang nyaris tidak berhasil melarikan diri setelah Jang Boss meninggal, masing-masing bersembunyi di gereja malaikat dan kuil yang disebut Kuil Hiding, menghindari kejaran In-seong. Gyeong-cheol, yang melarikan diri ke gereja malaikat, yang dirusak oleh pendeta penipu, dihormati sebagai pendeta baru, dan Tae-yong tinggal bersama kepala biksu dan biksu Hwanjang, mengusir penjahat lain yang bersembunyi di kuil bernama Hidingsa. . In-seong memanfaatkan hilangnya Gyeong-cheol dan Tae-yong untuk terlibat dalam pinjaman swasta dan perdagangan manusia, dan sementara itu, keluarga detektif Cha Do-pil meninggal karena In-seong. Sebagai tanggapan, detektif Cha Do-pil yang marah mengunjungi Gyeong-cheol dan Tae-yong dan mengusulkan aliansi sementara untuk menangkap Hwang In-seong. Sekarang, operasi gabungan yang lucu antara pendeta, biksu, dan polisi dukun dimulai.
Gyeong-cheol and Tae-yong, the two leaders of a Gang of KING RIBS, celebrate Jang Boss's birthday, and and In-seong attacks. Gyeong-cheol and Tae-yong, who barely managed to escape after Jang Boss died, hide in the church of angels and a temple called Hiding Temple, respectively, avoiding the pursuit of In-seong. Gyeong-cheol, who fled to the church of angels, which was ruined by a fraudulent pastor, is revered as a new pastor, and Tae-yong lives with the chief monk and Hwanjang monk, kicking out miscellaneous criminals hiding in a temple named Hidingsa. In-seong takes advantage of the disappearance of Gyeong-cheol and Tae-yong to engage in private loans and human trafficking, and in the meantime, detective Cha Do-pil's family dies from In-seong. In response, the angry detective Cha Do-pil visits Gyeong-cheol and Tae-yong and proposes a temporary alliance to catch Hwang In-seong. Now, a funny joint operation between the pastor, the monk, and the shaman cop begins.
Gyeong-cheol and Tae-yong, the two leaders of a Gang of KING RIBS, celebrate Jang Boss's birthday, and and In-seong attacks. Gyeong-cheol and Tae-yong, who barely managed to escape after Jang Boss died, hide in the church of angels and a temple called Hiding Temple, respectively, avoiding the pursuit of In-seong. Gyeong-cheol, who fled to the church of angels, which was ruined by a fraudulent pastor, is revered as a new pastor, and Tae-yong lives with the chief monk and Hwanjang monk, kicking out miscellaneous criminals hiding in a temple named Hidingsa. In-seong takes advantage of the disappearance of Gyeong-cheol and Tae-yong to engage in private loans and human trafficking, and in the meantime, detective Cha Do-pil's family dies from In-seong. In response, the angry detective Cha Do-pil visits Gyeong-cheol and Tae-yong and proposes a temporary alliance to catch Hwang In-seong. Now, a funny joint operation between the pastor, the monk, and the shaman cop begins.
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