Nina, seorang penari eksotik yang muda dan keras kepala, mendapati dirinya terdampar di ujung Utara. Dia meyakinkan pelanggannya baru-baru ini, lima pria yang sedang dalam perjalanan berburu bujangan, untuk menerima dia selama beberapa hari. Dalam masyarakat mikro yang maskulin, yang lucu dan filosofis, Cynthia mulai merasakan rasa memiliki yang belum pernah dia rasakan sebelumnya. Namun kedatangan orang asing yang misterius mengubah jalannya liburan dadakan ini selamanya. Baik mentah maupun seperti mimpi, Hunting Daze menawarkan dunia unik tempat humor, horor, keanehan, dan sensual berpadu.
Nina, a young and headstrong exotic dancer, finds herself stranded in the far North. She convinces her recent customers, five men on a bachelor hunting trip, to put her up for a few days. In this masculine microsociety, by turns hilarious and philosophical, Cynthia starts to feel a sense of belonging she never has before. But a mysterious stranger’s arrival changes the course of this improvised holiday forever. Both raw and dreamlike, Hunting Daze offers up a unique universe where humour, horror, the uncanny, and the sensual combine.
Nina, a young and headstrong exotic dancer, finds herself stranded in the far North. She convinces her recent customers, five men on a bachelor hunting trip, to put her up for a few days. In this masculine microsociety, by turns hilarious and philosophical, Cynthia starts to feel a sense of belonging she never has before. But a mysterious stranger’s arrival changes the course of this improvised holiday forever. Both raw and dreamlike, Hunting Daze offers up a unique universe where humour, horror, the uncanny, and the sensual combine.
Directors: Annick Blanc
Writer: Annick Blanc
Starring: Nahma Ricci, Bruno Marcil, Frdric MillaireZouvi
Writer: Annick Blanc
Starring: Nahma Ricci, Bruno Marcil, Frdric MillaireZouvi
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