Sekelompok teman bertemu untuk makan malam, dan untuk bersenang -senang memulai permainan pesta di mana semua orang harus berbagi semua yang masuk ke ponsel mereka. Tak lama kemudian, rahasia itu tumpah dan mengancam untuk merusak hal terpenting dari semua, 'hygge'.
A group of friends meet for a dinner, and for fun start a party game where everyone must share everything that comes into their phones. Before long, the secrets spill out and threaten to spoil the most important thing of all, the 'hygge'.
A group of friends meet for a dinner, and for fun start a party game where everyone must share everything that comes into their phones. Before long, the secrets spill out and threaten to spoil the most important thing of all, the 'hygge'.
Directors: Dagur Kri
Writer: Dagur Kri, Mads Tafdrup, Paolo Genovese
Starring: Sofie Torp, Joachim Fjelstrup, Jesper Groth
Writer: Dagur Kri, Mads Tafdrup, Paolo Genovese
Starring: Sofie Torp, Joachim Fjelstrup, Jesper Groth
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