Seorang kru film dari Jerman, syuting di sebuah desa terpencil di timur laut Turki, mewawancarai seorang wanita Kurdi tua. Dia melakukan ritual kuno untuk tetap hidup ingatan anak yang hilang bertahun -tahun yang lalu. Wanita muda itu, yang membantu kru Jerman dengan terjemahan Kurdi, juga merupakan penjaga Melek yang berusia tujuh tahun. Ayah Melek adalah anggota organisasi bayangan yang tujuan aslinya tidak jelas. Hasil dari semua orang yang datang bersama akan sangat menghancurkan.
A film crew from Germany, filming in a remote village in northeastern Turkey, interviews an elderly Kurdish woman. She performs an ancient ritual to keep alive the memory of the son she lost years ago. The young woman, who helps the German crew with the Kurdish translation, is also the caretaker of seven-year-old Melek. Melek's father is a member of a shadowy organization whose true purpose is unclear. The result of all these people coming together will be devastating.
A film crew from Germany, filming in a remote village in northeastern Turkey, interviews an elderly Kurdish woman. She performs an ancient ritual to keep alive the memory of the son she lost years ago. The young woman, who helps the German crew with the Kurdish translation, is also the caretaker of seven-year-old Melek. Melek's father is a member of a shadowy organization whose true purpose is unclear. The result of all these people coming together will be devastating.
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