Junction (2024)
98 Minm | United States of America | Thriller | 2024-01-26
Junction membahas krisis opioid modern di Amerika, dan menanyakan bagaimana hal ini bisa terjadi, dari tiga sudut pandang berbeda. CEO sebuah perusahaan farmasi, seorang dokter, dan seorang pasien.
Junction addresses the modern day opioid crisis in America, and asks how did this happen, from three different points of view. The CEO of a pharmaceutical company, a doctor, and a patient.
Junction addresses the modern day opioid crisis in America, and asks how did this happen, from three different points of view. The CEO of a pharmaceutical company, a doctor, and a patient.
Directors: Bryan Greenberg
Writer: Bryan Greenberg
Starring: Sophia Bush, Jamie Chung, Bryan Greenberg
Writer: Bryan Greenberg
Starring: Sophia Bush, Jamie Chung, Bryan Greenberg
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