Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen, Part Two (2023)
75 Minm | United States of America | Action, Fantasy, Adventure | 2023-10-17
Pada saat berhasil melarikan diri dari jebakan digital yang mematikan, para anggota Liga Keadilan muncul di dunia mereka sendiri untuk menemukan bahwa Grimm, makhluk -makhluk rakus dari sisa -sisa, telah menyusul Bumi! Untuk mengalahkan monster, mereka harus memanggil teman -teman baru mereka - Team RWBY - untuk bantuan!
On the heels of successfully escaping a deadly digital trap, the members of the Justice League emerge in their own world to discover that Grimm, ravenous creatures from Remnant, have overtaken Earth! In order to defeat the monsters, they must call on their new friends – Team RWBY – for help!
On the heels of successfully escaping a deadly digital trap, the members of the Justice League emerge in their own world to discover that Grimm, ravenous creatures from Remnant, have overtaken Earth! In order to defeat the monsters, they must call on their new friends – Team RWBY – for help!
Directors: Kerry Shawcross
Writer: Monty Oum, Meghan Fitzmartin
Starring: Troy Baker, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey
Writer: Monty Oum, Meghan Fitzmartin
Starring: Troy Baker, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey