Danti dan Bayu tinggal satu kos, bersama pasangannya masing-masing. Keduanya kerap ditinggal pasangannya, hingga menjadi dekat. Bahkan melibatkan perasaan. Saat Danti memutuskan untuk menjaga jarak dengan Bayu, ia mengetahui bahwa suaminya, Sena, menjalin hubungan dengan Lastri, istri Bayu.
Danti and Bayu live in the same boarding house, with their respective partners. Both are often left by their partners, until they become close. It even involves feelings. When Danti decides to keep her distance from Bayu, she finds out that her husband, Sena, has a relationship with Lastri, Bayu's wife.
Danti and Bayu live in the same boarding house, with their respective partners. Both are often left by their partners, until they become close. It even involves feelings. When Danti decides to keep her distance from Bayu, she finds out that her husband, Sena, has a relationship with Lastri, Bayu's wife.
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