Seorang wanita karier yang ambisius naik lift ke kantornya dengan tergesa -gesa dan di lift ada salah satu rekan kerjanya dan mereka berdua terjebak di lift dan harus menunggu sampai teknisi lift datang.
An ambitious career woman is taking an elevator to her office in a hurry and in the elevator there is one of her coworkers and they are both trapped in the elevator and have to wait until the elevator technician comes.
An ambitious career woman is taking an elevator to her office in a hurry and in the elevator there is one of her coworkers and they are both trapped in the elevator and have to wait until the elevator technician comes.
Directors: Arwin Wardhana
Writer: Titien Wattimena
Starring: Adinia Wirasti, Rio Dewanto, Ganindra Bimo
Writer: Titien Wattimena
Starring: Adinia Wirasti, Rio Dewanto, Ganindra Bimo
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