Persiwi, seorang wanita yang kuat dan mandiri yang merawat ketiga anaknya: Adam, Sekar, dan Isham sampai mereka menjadi dewasa dan meninggalkan kota kelahirannya. Suaminya meninggal setelah kalah dalam pemilihan kepala desa melawan saingannya, Joli Upaya. Anak -anak Pertiwi, yang menyalahkan Janji Upaya atas kematian ayah mereka, memendam perasaan dendam yang mendalam terhadap Janji Upaya.
Pertiwi, a strong and independent woman who took care of her three children: Adam, Sekar, and Isham until they became adults and left their hometown. Her husband died after losing the village head election against his rival, Janji Upaya. The children of Pertiwi, who blamed Janji Upaya for their father's death, harbored deep feelings of resentment towards Janji Upaya.
Pertiwi, a strong and independent woman who took care of her three children: Adam, Sekar, and Isham until they became adults and left their hometown. Her husband died after losing the village head election against his rival, Janji Upaya. The children of Pertiwi, who blamed Janji Upaya for their father's death, harbored deep feelings of resentment towards Janji Upaya.
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