Bertempat di periode pasca-Pandemi, keluarga Cemara memulai babak baru dalam kehidupan mereka. Abah mendapat pekerjaan baru, EUIS tumbuh menjadi remaja, dan Ibu berfokus pada menjaga yang termuda, Agil. Sementara semua orang fokus pada kegiatan masing -masing, Ara merasa ditinggalkan. Bagaimana keluarga ini bisa melewati fase kehidupan baru ini?
Set in the post-pandemic period, the Cemara Family begins a new chapter in their lives. Abah gets a new job, Euis grows up to be a teenager, and Mom focuses on taking care of the youngest, Agil. While everyone was focused on their respective activities, Ara felt left out. How can this family get through this new phase of life?
Set in the post-pandemic period, the Cemara Family begins a new chapter in their lives. Abah gets a new job, Euis grows up to be a teenager, and Mom focuses on taking care of the youngest, Agil. While everyone was focused on their respective activities, Ara felt left out. How can this family get through this new phase of life?
Directors: Ismail Basbeth
Writer: Mohammad Irfan Ramly
Starring: Ringgo Agus Rahman, Nirina Zubir, Adhisty Zara
Writer: Mohammad Irfan Ramly
Starring: Ringgo Agus Rahman, Nirina Zubir, Adhisty Zara
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