Kiss of Death (2024)
84 Minm | United States of America | Crime, Thriller | 2024-03-23
Ketika dipaksa untuk mengambil bos kejahatan terkenal, seorang istri yang berbakti, ibu dan wanita hit rahasia akan melakukan apa pun dalam kekuatannya untuk melindungi identitasnya dan menyelamatkan keluarganya.
When forced to take out a notorious crime boss, a devoted wife, mother and secret hit woman will do anything in her power to protect her identity and save her family.
When forced to take out a notorious crime boss, a devoted wife, mother and secret hit woman will do anything in her power to protect her identity and save her family.
Directors: Christian Sesma
Writer: Karen R Hardin
Starring: Sheila Leason, Kevin Blake Chandler, Dontelle Jackson
Writer: Karen R Hardin
Starring: Sheila Leason, Kevin Blake Chandler, Dontelle Jackson
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