Film antologi ini menampilkan tiga cerita independen yang menangkap pengalaman kota -kota dan desa -desa India kecil di mana orang mengambil langkah -langkah luar biasa untuk bertahan hidup.
The anthology film showcases three independent stories that capture the experience of small Indian towns and villages where people take incredible measures to survive.
The anthology film showcases three independent stories that capture the experience of small Indian towns and villages where people take incredible measures to survive.
Directors: Kaushik Ganguly, Bhaskar Hazarika, Gurvinder Singh
Writer: Durgesh Singh
Starring: Johnny Lever, Jisshu Sengupta, Pushpendra Singh
Writer: Durgesh Singh
Starring: Johnny Lever, Jisshu Sengupta, Pushpendra Singh
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