Marni, 35 tahun, seorang wanita desa yang sangat senang karena dia diterima untuk bekerja di Teater Merapi. Setelah hanya seminggu bekerja, bioskop ditutup karena pandemi. Karyawan dipangkas, layar harus diturunkan. Bioskop dijual. Ini adalah kisah tentang bagaimana Marni mencoba mempertahankan satu -satunya layar di bioskop dengan semua usahanya.
Marni, 35 years old, a village woman who is very happy because she was accepted to work at the Merapi Theatre. After just a week of work, cinemas are closed due to the pandemic. Employees were mowed down, sails had to be lowered. Cinema for sale. This is a story about how Marni tries to maintain the only screen in the cinema with all her efforts.
Marni, 35 years old, a village woman who is very happy because she was accepted to work at the Merapi Theatre. After just a week of work, cinemas are closed due to the pandemic. Employees were mowed down, sails had to be lowered. Cinema for sale. This is a story about how Marni tries to maintain the only screen in the cinema with all her efforts.
Directors: Ifa Isfansyah
Writer: Aditya Ahmad, Ifa Isfansyah
Starring: Siti Fauziah, Pritt Timothy, Adi Marsono
Writer: Aditya Ahmad, Ifa Isfansyah
Starring: Siti Fauziah, Pritt Timothy, Adi Marsono
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