Tulus panik ketika kakak perempuannya, Dinda, pingsan di sekolah setelah ditabrak bola. Segalanya menjadi lebih buruk ketika satu -satunya saudara kandungnya didiagnosis menderita penyakit yang fatal. Tulus menyaksikan perjuangan air mata orang tuanya untuk membayar tagihan medis, bahkan dikejar oleh penagih utang. Pada usia 7 tahun, Tulus mencoba melakukan yang terbaik yang dia bisa, dengan mengirimkan surat kepada Tuhan.
Tulus panicked when his older sister, Dinda, fainted at school after being hit by a ball. Things got worse when his only sibling was diagnosed with a fatal disease. Tulus witnessed his parents' tearful struggle to pay medical bills, even being chased by debt collectors. At the age of 7, Tulus tried to do the best he could, by sending letters to God.
Tulus panicked when his older sister, Dinda, fainted at school after being hit by a ball. Things got worse when his only sibling was diagnosed with a fatal disease. Tulus witnessed his parents' tearful struggle to pay medical bills, even being chased by debt collectors. At the age of 7, Tulus tried to do the best he could, by sending letters to God.
Directors: Karsono Hadi
Writer: Sukhdev Singh, Tisa TS, Rahadian Efendi
Starring: M Adhiyat, Marsha Timothy, Donny Damara
Writer: Sukhdev Singh, Tisa TS, Rahadian Efendi
Starring: M Adhiyat, Marsha Timothy, Donny Damara
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