Legion of Super-Heroes (2023)
84 Minm | United States of America | Action, Science Fiction, Animation | 2023-02-07
Kara, yang hancur oleh hilangnya Krypton, berjuang untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan kehidupan barunya di Bumi. Sepupunya, Superman, membimbingnya dan menyarankan dia meninggalkan ruang-waktu mereka untuk menghadiri Akademi Legiun di abad ke-31, di mana dia membuat teman-teman baru dan musuh baru: Brainiac 5. Sementara itu, dia harus bersaing dengan kelompok misterius yang disebut Lingkaran Hitam saat mencari senjata yang kuat yang diadakan di gudang akademi.
Kara, devastated by the loss of Krypton, struggles to adjust to her new life on Earth. Her cousin, Superman, mentors her and suggests she leave their space-time to attend the Legion Academy in the 31st century, where she makes new friends and a new enemy: Brainiac 5. Meanwhile, she must contend with a mysterious group called the Dark Circle as it searches for a powerful weapon held in the Academy’s vault.
Kara, devastated by the loss of Krypton, struggles to adjust to her new life on Earth. Her cousin, Superman, mentors her and suggests she leave their space-time to attend the Legion Academy in the 31st century, where she makes new friends and a new enemy: Brainiac 5. Meanwhile, she must contend with a mysterious group called the Dark Circle as it searches for a powerful weapon held in the Academy’s vault.
Directors: Jeff Wamester
Writer: Bob Kane, Paul Levitz, Mike Grell
Starring: Meg Donnelly, Harry Shum Jr, Jensen Ackles
Writer: Bob Kane, Paul Levitz, Mike Grell
Starring: Meg Donnelly, Harry Shum Jr, Jensen Ackles