Sibiu, Desember 1989. Dalam kekacauan dan kepanikan yang diakibatkan oleh protes massa terhadap pihak berwenang, satuan milisi menjadi sasaran serangan kekerasan yang meningkat menjadi konfrontasi berdarah antara tentara, milisi, agen keamanan, dan warga sipil. Mencoba melarikan diri dari pengepungan, Kapten Viorel dari milisi ditangkap dan dituduh sebagai teroris.
Sibiu, December 1989. In the chaos and panic generated by the protests of the crowd against the authorities, a unit of the militia becomes the target of a violent assault that escalates into a bloody confrontation between soldiers, militiamen, security agents, and civilians. Trying to escape the siege, Captain Viorel of the militia is captured and accused of being a terrorist.
Sibiu, December 1989. In the chaos and panic generated by the protests of the crowd against the authorities, a unit of the militia becomes the target of a violent assault that escalates into a bloody confrontation between soldiers, militiamen, security agents, and civilians. Trying to escape the siege, Captain Viorel of the militia is captured and accused of being a terrorist.
Directors: Tudor Giurgiu
Writer: Tudor Giurgiu, Cecilia tefnescu, Nap Toader
Starring: Alex Calangiu, Catalin Herlo, Iulian Postelnicu
Writer: Tudor Giurgiu, Cecilia tefnescu, Nap Toader
Starring: Alex Calangiu, Catalin Herlo, Iulian Postelnicu
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