Sebuah film yang jujur dan intim yang mengikuti kehidupan penting aktivis, penerbit, dan pencipta penghargaan keberagaman, Linda Riley. Menggabungkan wawancara dengan pembuatan film fly-on-the-wall memberikan wawasan tentang 'Kepala Lesbian Dunia' saat dia menavigasi dunia selebriti dan politik.
A candid and intimate film following the eventful life of activist, publisher, and creator of diversity awards, Linda Riley. Combining interviews with fly-on-the-wall filming gives an insight into the 'Head Lesbian of the World' as she navigates the world of celebrity and politics.
A candid and intimate film following the eventful life of activist, publisher, and creator of diversity awards, Linda Riley. Combining interviews with fly-on-the-wall filming gives an insight into the 'Head Lesbian of the World' as she navigates the world of celebrity and politics.
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