Little Wing (2024)
100 Minm | United States of America | Drama | 2024-03-13
Untuk Kaitlyn yang berusia 13 tahun, dunianya mengancam akan runtuh ketika dia mengetahui bahwa orang tuanya ingin bercerai, terutama karena mengancam kehilangan rumah yang mereka bagikan di Portland, yang selalu menjadi rumah Kaitlyn. Gadis remaja itu memiliki pikiran gelap dan kehilangan minat dalam hidup. Merpati pembiakan yang diberikan kepadanya oleh kolega polisi ibunya tidak membuat segalanya lebih baik. Apa yang harus dia lakukan dengan burung -burung? Kemudian sahabatnya Adam memberinya ide: mereka bisa mencuri merpati balap yang sangat berharga bernama Granger dari peternak lokal Jaan Vari, menjualnya dan menggunakan hasil untuk melunasi hipotek di rumah keluarganya. Rencana itu awalnya berhasil, tetapi kemudian semuanya tampak salah dan Kaitlyn kehilangan pijakannya lebih banyak lagi. Namun yang mengejutkan, lelaki tua yang dirampok merawat gadis itu dan ikatan berkembang di antara keduanya, yang akhirnya membawanya ke pandangan baru tentang kehidupan.
For 13-year-old Kaitlyn, her world threatens to collapse when she learns that her parents want to get a divorce, especially because it threatens the loss of the house they shared in Portland, which had always been Kaitlyn's home. The teenage girl has dark thoughts and lost interest in life. The breeding pigeons given to her by her mother's police colleague don't make things any better. What should she do with the birds? Then her best friend Adam gives her an idea: they could steal the very valuable racing pigeon named Granger from the local breeder Jaan Vari, sell it and use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage on her family's home. The plan initially works, but then everything seems to go wrong and Kaitlyn loses her footing even more. But surprisingly, the old man who was robbed takes care of the girl and a bond develops between the two, which ultimately leads her to a new outlook on life.
For 13-year-old Kaitlyn, her world threatens to collapse when she learns that her parents want to get a divorce, especially because it threatens the loss of the house they shared in Portland, which had always been Kaitlyn's home. The teenage girl has dark thoughts and lost interest in life. The breeding pigeons given to her by her mother's police colleague don't make things any better. What should she do with the birds? Then her best friend Adam gives her an idea: they could steal the very valuable racing pigeon named Granger from the local breeder Jaan Vari, sell it and use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage on her family's home. The plan initially works, but then everything seems to go wrong and Kaitlyn loses her footing even more. But surprisingly, the old man who was robbed takes care of the girl and a bond develops between the two, which ultimately leads her to a new outlook on life.
Directors: Dean Israelite
Writer: John Gatins, Susan Orlean
Starring: Brooklynn Prince, Che Tafari, Brian Cox
Writer: John Gatins, Susan Orlean
Starring: Brooklynn Prince, Che Tafari, Brian Cox
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