Mustaqim, mantan guru Alquran, bekerja sebagai penagih utang dengan harapan mendapatkan lebih banyak. Namun, Murni, istrinya, tidak ingin menerima hadiah uang dari suaminya karena dia tidak setuju dengan pria yang terkait dengan akhirat. Atas saran rekannya Rojak, Mustaqim menikah lagi dengan Yati.
Mustaqim, a former Koran teacher, works as a debt collector in the hope of earning more. However, Murni, his wife, did not want to accept the gift of money from her husband because she did not agree with men related to the afterlife. At the suggestion of his colleague Rojak, Mustaqim remarried to Yati.
Mustaqim, a former Koran teacher, works as a debt collector in the hope of earning more. However, Murni, his wife, did not want to accept the gift of money from her husband because she did not agree with men related to the afterlife. At the suggestion of his colleague Rojak, Mustaqim remarried to Yati.
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