Maybe I Do (2023)
95 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 2023-01-27
Michelle dan Allen, yang telah mencapai titik dalam hubungan mereka di mana mereka mempertimbangkan langkah -langkah selanjutnya, memutuskan untuk mengundang orang tua mereka untuk akhirnya bertemu dan menawarkan beberapa pemahaman tentang mengapa pernikahan bekerja. Kecuali orang tua sudah saling mengenal dengan cukup baik, yang mengarah pada beberapa pendapat yang sangat berbeda tentang nilai pernikahan.
Michelle and Allen, who have reached the point in their relationship where they are considering next steps, decide to invite their parents to finally meet and to offer some understanding of why marriage works. Except the parents already know each other quite well, which leads to some very distinct opinions about the value of marriage.
Michelle and Allen, who have reached the point in their relationship where they are considering next steps, decide to invite their parents to finally meet and to offer some understanding of why marriage works. Except the parents already know each other quite well, which leads to some very distinct opinions about the value of marriage.
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