Untuk menyelamatkan adik laki -lakinya dari tangan narcos berbahaya dari kartel Medellín, Reda memiliki rencana yang sesederhana itu benar -benar gila: mengumpulkan tim dan menyerang Kolombia. Tetapi petualangan ini akan benar -benar di luar kendali ketika dia memutuskan untuk menculik putra pemimpin kartel untuk menukarnya dengan kehidupan saudaranya.
To save his little brother from the hands of dangerous narcos of the Medellín cartel, Reda has a plan that is as simple as it is totally insane: put together a team and raid Colombia. But this adventure is going to get completely out of control when he decides to kidnap the son of the cartel leader to exchange him for his brother's life.
To save his little brother from the hands of dangerous narcos of the Medellín cartel, Reda has a plan that is as simple as it is totally insane: put together a team and raid Colombia. But this adventure is going to get completely out of control when he decides to kidnap the son of the cartel leader to exchange him for his brother's life.
Directors: Franck Gastambide
Writer: Franck Gastambide, Charles Van Tieghem
Starring: Franck Gastambide, Ramzy Bedia, Anouar Toubali
Writer: Franck Gastambide, Charles Van Tieghem
Starring: Franck Gastambide, Ramzy Bedia, Anouar Toubali
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