Midas Man (2024)
112 Minm | United Kingdom | Drama, History, Music | 2024-08-23
Ketika Brian Epstein menginjakkan kaki di Cavern Club pada bulan November 1961 untuk menonton The Beatles tampil, ia melihat sesuatu yang tidak bisa dilakukan orang lain - secercah emas. Berpakaian tajam dan berbicara dengan baik, Brian bukanlah radikal yang paling jelas-tetapi menjadi orang Yahudi, tertutup dan tumbuh sebagai orang luar yang telah gagal dalam hampir semua hal, ia berusia 26 tahun dengan sesuatu untuk dibuktikan dan yang ingin merobek buku peraturan.
When Brian Epstein set foot in the Cavern Club in November 1961 to watch The Beatles perform, he saw something no one else could – a glimmer of gold. Sharply dressed and well-spoken, Brian was hardly the most obvious radical – but being Jewish, closeted and having grown up as an outsider who had failed at pretty much everything, he was a 26-year old with something to prove and who wanted to tear up the rulebook.
When Brian Epstein set foot in the Cavern Club in November 1961 to watch The Beatles perform, he saw something no one else could – a glimmer of gold. Sharply dressed and well-spoken, Brian was hardly the most obvious radical – but being Jewish, closeted and having grown up as an outsider who had failed at pretty much everything, he was a 26-year old with something to prove and who wanted to tear up the rulebook.
Directors: Joe Stephenson
Writer: Jonathan Wakeham, Brigit Grant
Starring: Jacob FortuneLloyd, Eddie Marsan, Emily Watson
Writer: Jonathan Wakeham, Brigit Grant
Starring: Jacob FortuneLloyd, Eddie Marsan, Emily Watson
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