Dodo Rozak hanya ingin menjadi ayah yang baik bagi putrinya, Kartika, meski kecerdasannya terbatas, bersikap dan berperilaku seperti anak-anak. Padahal, Kartika lah yang paling banyak merawat ayahnya. Keduanya hidup bahagia.
Dodo Rozak just wants to be a good father to his daughter, Kartika, despite his limited intelligence, acts and behaves like children. In fact, it is Kartika who takes care of her father most of the time. Both live happily.
Dodo Rozak just wants to be a good father to his daughter, Kartika, despite his limited intelligence, acts and behaves like children. In fact, it is Kartika who takes care of her father most of the time. Both live happily.
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