Seorang ayah yang mencoba memperbaiki hubungannya dengan istrinya dan menyelamatkan keluarganya menemukan dirinya di tengah -tengah upaya kudeta pada malam 15 Juli dengan putranya. Cihangir, seorang insinyur di Türksat, mencoba mencegah kupuk kudeta memotong siaran dan memecahkan perlawanan rakyat. Pada saat yang sama, Cihangir juga berusaha untuk melindungi putranya dan memenangkan kembali keluarganya. Pada akhirnya, Cihangir muncul sebagai pemenang dan menjadi pahlawan sejati pada hari ulang tahun putranya Can dengan bertarung melawan kupuk kudeta.
A father trying to mend his relationship with his wife and save his family finds himself in the midst of the coup attempt on the night of July 15th with his son. Cihangir, an engineer at TÜRKSAT, tries to prevent the coup plotters from cutting off broadcasts and breaking the people’s resistance. At the same time, Cihangir is also striving to protect his son and win back his family. In the end, Cihangir emerges victorious and becomes a true hero on his son Can’s birthday by fighting against the coup plotters.
A father trying to mend his relationship with his wife and save his family finds himself in the midst of the coup attempt on the night of July 15th with his son. Cihangir, an engineer at TÜRKSAT, tries to prevent the coup plotters from cutting off broadcasts and breaking the people’s resistance. At the same time, Cihangir is also striving to protect his son and win back his family. In the end, Cihangir emerges victorious and becomes a true hero on his son Can’s birthday by fighting against the coup plotters.
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