Mythica: Stormbound (2024)
104 Minm | United States of America | Action, Fantasy, Adventure | 2024-01-31
Bertahun -tahun setelah kehancuran Szorlok dan kemenangan The Red Thorns, kejahatan baru akan mengancam dunia dan pahlawan baru akan bangkit untuk melawannya.
Years after Szorlok's devastation and the Red Thorns' victory, a new evil will threaten the world and new heroes will rise to fight it.
Years after Szorlok's devastation and the Red Thorns' victory, a new evil will threaten the world and new heroes will rise to fight it.
Directors: Jake Stormoen
Writer: Justin Partridge, Jason Faller, Kynan Griffin
Starring: Will Kemp, Ryann Bailey, Nicola Posener
Writer: Justin Partridge, Jason Faller, Kynan Griffin
Starring: Will Kemp, Ryann Bailey, Nicola Posener