Night Train (2023)
96 Minm | United States of America | Action, Crime, Thriller | 2023-01-13
Ibu Holly McCord didorong ke ekstrem untuk menyelamatkan nyawa putranya yang masih muda. Bahkan jika itu berarti mengangkut obat-obatan pasar gelap di truknya yang di-sup, dengan FBI dalam pengejaran yang panas. Dengan dua karunia di kepalanya dan kehidupan putranya di telepon, Holly naik di belakang kemudi "Night Train," siap untuk berlari lebih cepat, di luar senjata, dan lebih lama dari mereka semua.
Mother Holly McCord is driven to extremes to save the life of her young son. Even if it means hauling black market drugs in her souped-up truck, with the Feds in hot pursuit. With two bounties on her head and her son’s life on the line, Holly climbs behind the wheel of “Night Train,” ready to outrun, out gun, and outlast them all.
Mother Holly McCord is driven to extremes to save the life of her young son. Even if it means hauling black market drugs in her souped-up truck, with the Feds in hot pursuit. With two bounties on her head and her son’s life on the line, Holly climbs behind the wheel of “Night Train,” ready to outrun, out gun, and outlast them all.
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