Nine Ball (2023)
0 Minm | United States of America | Drama | 2023-03-25
Selama bertahun -tahun Nicky telah minum untuk dicoba dan dilupakan. Masalahnya adalah, setiap kali dia memukul kenangan tua botol datang bersama dengan minuman keras dan tiba -tiba Jumat malam lagi. Dan di masa lalu Nicky, Jumat malam berarti hanya satu hal-setelah jam di Lucky's Tavern untuk malam minum dan menembak kolam renang bersama Doug dan anak-anak. Minuman gratis, sembilan bola adalah permainan, dan semua orang tahu aturan di muka. Atau apakah mereka? Dipandu oleh hati nuraninya, Nicky dipaksa untuk menghidupkan kembali apa yang dimulai sebagai malam santai dengan para lelaki dan berakhir dengan sebuah acara yang begitu tragis sehingga ia tidak pernah bisa meletakkannya di belakangnya.
For years Nicky has been drinking to try and forget. The problem is, every time he hits the bottle old memories come pouring in along with the booze and it's suddenly Friday night all over again. And in Nicky's past, Friday night meant just one thing--after-hours at Lucky's Tavern for a night of drinking and shooting pool with Doug and the boys. Drinks were free, Nine Ball was the game, and everyone knew the rules up front . Or did they? Guided by his conscience, Nicky is forced to relive what began as a casual night out with the guys and ended with an event so tragic that he has never been able to put it behind him.
For years Nicky has been drinking to try and forget. The problem is, every time he hits the bottle old memories come pouring in along with the booze and it's suddenly Friday night all over again. And in Nicky's past, Friday night meant just one thing--after-hours at Lucky's Tavern for a night of drinking and shooting pool with Doug and the boys. Drinks were free, Nine Ball was the game, and everyone knew the rules up front . Or did they? Guided by his conscience, Nicky is forced to relive what began as a casual night out with the guys and ended with an event so tragic that he has never been able to put it behind him.
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