On Fire (2023)
80 Minm | United States of America | Action, Drama, Thriller | 2023-09-29
Terinspirasi oleh peristiwa nyata dan mengerikan, seorang manusia biasa mendapati dunianya tiba-tiba terkoyak ketika kebakaran hutan dahsyat melanda pedesaan sekitarnya. Dengan berlalunya momen-momen berharga, ia harus melarikan diri bersama putra dan istrinya yang sedang hamil jika mereka memiliki harapan untuk selamat dari derasnya kekuatan alam.
Inspired by true and harrowing events, an ordinary man finds his world suddenly torn apart as devastating wildfires rip through the surrounding countryside. With precious moments ticking by, he must flee with his son and pregnant wife if they have any hope of surviving the rapid forces of mother nature.
Inspired by true and harrowing events, an ordinary man finds his world suddenly torn apart as devastating wildfires rip through the surrounding countryside. With precious moments ticking by, he must flee with his son and pregnant wife if they have any hope of surviving the rapid forces of mother nature.
Directors: Nick Lyon, Peter Facinelli
Writer: Ron Peer, Nick Lyon, Nick Lyon
Starring: Peter Facinelli, Fiona Dourif, Asher Angel
Writer: Ron Peer, Nick Lyon, Nick Lyon
Starring: Peter Facinelli, Fiona Dourif, Asher Angel
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