One Bad Apple: A Hannah Swensen Mystery (2024)
84 Minm | Canada, United States of America | Drama, Mystery | 2024-04-05
Hannah Swensen telah diminta untuk mengajar kelas membuat kue di perguruan tinggi di kota, namun peralatannya dirusak sehingga menyebabkan ledakan sehingga pemadam kebakaran menyatakan kecelakaan. Tak lama kemudian, seorang rekannya meninggal dan Hannah mulai menyusun teka-teki tentang keadaan misterius seputar pembunuhan tersebut. Hannah bersandar pada teman-teman dan keluarganya untuk mengumpulkan sisa-sisa kejahatan dan menyatukannya, dan bertemu dengan sisi hukum dan ketertiban yang berbeda ketika jaksa penuntut Lake Eden, Chad Norton memasuki hidupnya.
Hannah Swensen has been asked to teach a baking class at the college in town, but her equipment is tampered with causing an explosion that the fire department rules an accident. Soon, a colleague ends up dead and Hannah begins to put together the puzzle of the mysterious circumstances surrounding the murder. Hannah leans on her friends and family to collect the breadcrumbs of foul play and put them together, and meets a different side of law and order when Lake Eden's prosecuting attorney Chad Norton enters her life.
Hannah Swensen has been asked to teach a baking class at the college in town, but her equipment is tampered with causing an explosion that the fire department rules an accident. Soon, a colleague ends up dead and Hannah begins to put together the puzzle of the mysterious circumstances surrounding the murder. Hannah leans on her friends and family to collect the breadcrumbs of foul play and put them together, and meets a different side of law and order when Lake Eden's prosecuting attorney Chad Norton enters her life.
Directors: Shannon Kohli
Writer: Alison Sweeney, Joanne Fluke
Starring: Alison Sweeney, Victor Webster, Barbara Niven
Writer: Alison Sweeney, Joanne Fluke
Starring: Alison Sweeney, Victor Webster, Barbara Niven
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