One Year Off (2023)
100 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 2023-02-07
Claire dan teman-temannya diundang ke Hindia Barat oleh teman mereka Ben, yang baru saja mewarisi liburan di pulau. Untuk melewati hari-hari yang panjang, mereka memulai bisnis mengadakan pernikahan di tepi pantai, yang menghasilkan kesuksesan luar biasa sekaligus bencana lucu. Sementara itu, sinar matahari dan pemandangan membuat Claire, Ben, dan kelompoknya bersemangat untuk menjalin hubungan romantis. Akankah pernikahan berikutnya menjadi salah satu pernikahan mereka?
Claire and her pals are invited to the West Indies by their friend Ben, who just inherited an island getaway. To pass the long days, they start a business hosting beachfront weddings, resulting in both awesome success and hilarious disaster. Meanwhile, the sun and scenery put Claire, Ben, and their posse in the mood for romance. Will the next wedding be one of theirs?
Claire and her pals are invited to the West Indies by their friend Ben, who just inherited an island getaway. To pass the long days, they start a business hosting beachfront weddings, resulting in both awesome success and hilarious disaster. Meanwhile, the sun and scenery put Claire, Ben, and their posse in the mood for romance. Will the next wedding be one of theirs?
Directors: Philippe Martinez
Writer: Stewart Thomson
Starring: Jeff Fahey, Nathalie Cox, Chad Michael Collins
Writer: Stewart Thomson
Starring: Jeff Fahey, Nathalie Cox, Chad Michael Collins
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