Sekelompok tentara bayaran disewa untuk menggulingkan kubu Neo-Nazi yang terletak jauh di jantung Texas, hanya untuk mengetahui bahwa mereka melindungi kode nuklir yang dapat memicu Perang Dunia III.
A group of mercenaries are hired to overthrow a Neo-Nazi stronghold nestled deep in the heart of Texas, only to discover they are protecting nuclear codes that could ignite World War III.
A group of mercenaries are hired to overthrow a Neo-Nazi stronghold nestled deep in the heart of Texas, only to discover they are protecting nuclear codes that could ignite World War III.
Directors: Jamaal Burden
Writer: Jamaal Burden
Starring: Tito Ortiz, Cristiane Justino, Mike Ferguson
Writer: Jamaal Burden
Starring: Tito Ortiz, Cristiane Justino, Mike Ferguson
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