Ordinary Angels (2024)
118 Minm | United States of America | Drama | 2024-02-22
Di Louisville, Kentucky, penata rambut Sharon Stevens mengumpulkan massa untuk membantu ayah janda Ed Schmitt menyelamatkan putrinya yang berusia 5 tahun, Michelle, setelah komunitas mereka dipukul oleh badai salju besar dari gelombang dingin Amerika Utara 1994.
In Louisville, Kentucky, hairdresser Sharon Stevens rallies the masses to help widowed father Ed Schmitt save his critically ill 5 year old daughter Michelle after their community is hit by a major snowstorm from the 1994 North American cold wave.
In Louisville, Kentucky, hairdresser Sharon Stevens rallies the masses to help widowed father Ed Schmitt save his critically ill 5 year old daughter Michelle after their community is hit by a major snowstorm from the 1994 North American cold wave.
Directors: Jon Gunn
Writer: Kelly Fremon Craig, Meg Tilly
Starring: Hilary Swank, Alan Ritchson, Emily Mitchell
Writer: Kelly Fremon Craig, Meg Tilly
Starring: Hilary Swank, Alan Ritchson, Emily Mitchell
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