Bara ingin mendapatkan jaminan tentang hubungannya dengan Demi (25), tetapi Demi tidak bisa menyediakannya karena dia takut komitmen. Pasang surut dari hubungan ini semakin kompleks ketika Demi datang dan pergi sesuka hati sementara Bara terus mempertahankan harapannya yang tinggi. Sebagai seorang penulis, Bara merenungkan hubungannya yang kacau dalam sebuah buku berjudul Eminus Dolore. Rendezvous, kebersamaan, dan perpisahan, semuanya dibingkai dalam fragmen ingatan. Ini adalah kisah tentang seseorang yang mencoba mendapatkan seluruh gambaran masa lalunya dan mencari penutupan. Dan ini tentang seseorang yang telah jatuh berkali -kali dan mencoba untuk naik di atas semua trauma.
Bara wants to get assurance about his relationship with Demi (25), but Demi can’t provide it because she is afraid of commitment. The ups and downs of this relationship are getting more complex as Demi comes and goes as she pleases while Bara continues to keep his high expectations. As a writer, Bara reflects on his chaotic relationship in a book called Eminus Dolore. Rendezvous, togetherness, and farewell, all framed in fragments of memory. It is a story about a person trying to get the whole picture of his past and seeking closure. And it’s about someone who has fallen many times and tried to rise above all the trauma.
Bara wants to get assurance about his relationship with Demi (25), but Demi can’t provide it because she is afraid of commitment. The ups and downs of this relationship are getting more complex as Demi comes and goes as she pleases while Bara continues to keep his high expectations. As a writer, Bara reflects on his chaotic relationship in a book called Eminus Dolore. Rendezvous, togetherness, and farewell, all framed in fragments of memory. It is a story about a person trying to get the whole picture of his past and seeking closure. And it’s about someone who has fallen many times and tried to rise above all the trauma.
Directors: Adriyanto Dewo
Writer: Nara Nugroho, Adriyanto Dewo, Arman Dhani
Starring: Lutesha, Daffa Wardhana, Fandy Christian
Writer: Nara Nugroho, Adriyanto Dewo, Arman Dhani
Starring: Lutesha, Daffa Wardhana, Fandy Christian
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