Di sebuah kota kecil di Prancis tengah, Simon adalah seorang imam yang dikhususkan untuk parokinya. Selama Misa, Louise, yang belum pernah dilihatnya sejak seminari yang lalu, muncul kembali. Dia memperkenalkannya kepada Aloé, seorang anak berusia 11 tahun, yang adalah putranya. Berita ini akan mengganggu kehidupan sehari -harinya: bisakah dia menjadi pendeta yang baik untuk umat paroki dan ayah yang baik untuk anaknya? Simon akan mencoba meyakinkan otoritas tertinggi gereja bahwa panggilannya kompatibel dengan cinta ayah.
In a small town in central France, Simon is a priest devoted to his parish. During a mass, Louise, whom he hadn’t seen since his seminary years ago, reappears. She introduces him to Aloé, an 11-year-old child, who is his son. This news will disrupt his daily life: can he be a good priest for his parishioners and a good father for his child? Simon will try to convince the highest authorities of the Church that his vocation is compatible with paternal love.
In a small town in central France, Simon is a priest devoted to his parish. During a mass, Louise, whom he hadn’t seen since his seminary years ago, reappears. She introduces him to Aloé, an 11-year-old child, who is his son. This news will disrupt his daily life: can he be a good priest for his parishioners and a good father for his child? Simon will try to convince the highest authorities of the Church that his vocation is compatible with paternal love.
Directors: Ronan Tronchot
Writer: Ronan Tronchot, Ludovic du Clary
Starring: Grgory Gadebois, Graldine Nakache, Lyes Salem
Writer: Ronan Tronchot, Ludovic du Clary
Starring: Grgory Gadebois, Graldine Nakache, Lyes Salem
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