Fathia dan Reyhan dipersatukan kembali sebagai orang dewasa. Namun, demi kepatuhannya pada agama, Fathia memutuskan untuk menjauh dari Reyhan. Namun, ironisnya, pemisahan ini benar -benar membawa Fathia, yang telah menghafal Alquran, untuk menghadapi kenyataan pahit. Dia harus menerima pernikahan dengan pria yang lebih tua yang sudah menikah untuk membantu keluarga secara finansial.
Fathia and Reyhan are reunited as adults. However, for the sake of her adherence to religion, Fathia decided to stay away from Reyhan. However, ironically, this separation actually brought Fathia, who had memorized the Koran, to face a bitter reality. She had to accept marriage to an older man who was already married in order to help the family financially.
Fathia and Reyhan are reunited as adults. However, for the sake of her adherence to religion, Fathia decided to stay away from Reyhan. However, ironically, this separation actually brought Fathia, who had memorized the Koran, to face a bitter reality. She had to accept marriage to an older man who was already married in order to help the family financially.
Directors: Amrul Ummami
Writer: M Ali Ghifari, Nusaibah Azzahra
Starring: Teuku Ryan, Dea Annisa, Yayu Unru
Writer: M Ali Ghifari, Nusaibah Azzahra
Starring: Teuku Ryan, Dea Annisa, Yayu Unru
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