Tan adalah seorang perajin cincin yang bekerja di bengkel suvenir di sebuah desa kecil, atau setidaknya itulah yang diketahui Yahya, cucunya. Yahya adalah anak kecil yang banyak bertanya kepada kakeknya, terutama identitas orang tuanya. Semua teka-teki terpecahkan perlahan saat mereka menghadapi masalah dalam perjalanan yang mereka lakukan untuk mengantarkan lukisan Tan.
Tan is a ring craftsman working for a souvenir workshop in a small village, or at least that is what Yahya, his grandson, knows. Yahya is growing child who ask lots of questions to his grandfather, especially his parents’ identities. All puzzles are solved slowly as they face problems in a journey they take to deliver Tan’s painting.
Tan is a ring craftsman working for a souvenir workshop in a small village, or at least that is what Yahya, his grandson, knows. Yahya is growing child who ask lots of questions to his grandfather, especially his parents’ identities. All puzzles are solved slowly as they face problems in a journey they take to deliver Tan’s painting.
Directors: Arief Malinmudo
Writer: Arief Malinmudo
Starring: Muzakki Ramdhan, Ahmad Tarmimi Siregar, Adinda Thomas
Writer: Arief Malinmudo
Starring: Muzakki Ramdhan, Ahmad Tarmimi Siregar, Adinda Thomas
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