Ketika seorang keponakan pengacara distrik dibunuh dan orang yang bertanggung jawab dibebaskan, pengacara bersedia mengambil risiko semua yang dia miliki untuk membawa pembunuh ke pengadilan.
When a district attorney’s niece is murdered and the man who is responsible is exonerated, the attorney is willing to risk everything she has to bring the murderer to justice.
When a district attorney’s niece is murdered and the man who is responsible is exonerated, the attorney is willing to risk everything she has to bring the murderer to justice.
Directors: Chris Stokes
Writer: Chris Stokes
Starring: Erica Mena, Charles Malik Whitfield, Cisco Reyes
Writer: Chris Stokes
Starring: Erica Mena, Charles Malik Whitfield, Cisco Reyes
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