Hardwell adalah kota fiksi di dekat perbatasan dua provinsi yang bertentangan satu sama lain. Sementara itu, Camp Ashley dan Ty bekerja di disebut Kilometer 72. Mereka baru saja menyeberang ke provinsi yang nilai -nilai energinya tidak selaras dengan mereka sendiri dan mengalami protes dan antipati. Seorang ibu tunggal yang ditunggangi utang mengambil pekerjaan sebagai buruh pipa di sebuah kamp terpencil dekat kota Hardwell. Ketika ketegangan tumbuh antara pekerja dan komunitas tetangga, Ashley ditantang untuk melindungi industri dan satu -satunya sumber pendapatannya. Membentuk ikatan yang tidak mungkin dengan anggota krunya, Ashley dan Ty saling membantu menavigasi kondisi kerja yang bermusuhan dan kompleksitas industri dalam transisi. Pipe Nation adalah analisis fiksi pentingnya jaringan pipa historis, politik dan ekonomi. Ini bekerja untuk menerangi hubungan unik antara warga negara dan jaring baja yang terletak di bawah ini.
Hardwell is a fictional town near the border of two provinces at odds with each other. Meanwhile, the camp Ashley and Ty work at is called Kilometer 72. They have just crossed over into a province whose energy values don't align with their own and run into protests and antipathy. A single, debt-ridden mother takes a job as a pipe labourer at a remote camp near the town of Hardwell. As tensions grow between workers and neighbouring communities, Ashley is challenged to protect the industry and her only source of income. Forming an unlikely bond with a member of her crew, Ashley and Ty help one another navigate hostile working conditions and the complexities of an industry in transition. Pipe Nation is a fictional analysis of the historical, political and economic significance of pipelines. It works to illuminate the unique relationships between individual citizens and the webs of steel which lie below.
Hardwell is a fictional town near the border of two provinces at odds with each other. Meanwhile, the camp Ashley and Ty work at is called Kilometer 72. They have just crossed over into a province whose energy values don't align with their own and run into protests and antipathy. A single, debt-ridden mother takes a job as a pipe labourer at a remote camp near the town of Hardwell. As tensions grow between workers and neighbouring communities, Ashley is challenged to protect the industry and her only source of income. Forming an unlikely bond with a member of her crew, Ashley and Ty help one another navigate hostile working conditions and the complexities of an industry in transition. Pipe Nation is a fictional analysis of the historical, political and economic significance of pipelines. It works to illuminate the unique relationships between individual citizens and the webs of steel which lie below.